So What's A Front End Webdesigner?
( Friday March 4, 2011 ) Posted by: Admin

You know what? It's a bit discouraging when you hear people talking about a subject that they have no idea what so ever about what they are saying and simply want to be heard or seeing as if they know it but when it comes down to the nitty gritty of it and you put them to the test they fail.

In this field of web design there are a lot of titles out there that to be honest even the pros like, " Eric Meyer ", we would dare say may sometimes have a bit of trouble pin pointing a title on a true hard core web developer.

Today we want to talk about what it means to be a, "Front End Web Designer", because there are certain tasks involved and so ( he or she )in order to be know as the latter had had to have gone through a big learning curve and realize they earned the role because of certain technically skills he or she had achieved.

There are people out there that have their personal definitions of it, so in order to education those we wanted to post this to clear out some facts about this particular job title. Please keep reading.

Not to be little anyone out there for their genuine desire of wanting to be known as a," Front end Web Designer ", but just because someone claims to know what "html" means or how to code a few tables does not necessarily make you a web designer, a coder or a designer. It does seem to feel good to be known by a certain title in a career field. We know because that is how we started out and as time has passed by we have come to admit that it is better to humbly say, "we know what it means to work in the field of web designs and develop websites". With that being said, let's educate ourselves on what is NOT a Frontend Webdesigner

What A Frontend Webdesigner Is Not

Some people out there may use web design software such as Dreamweaver or the old Front Page or even Microsoft's Word Options to create a simple web page. That does not make you a frontend Webdesinger.

JavaScript Programmers are not to be confused as Front end Webdesigners. They mostly do back end programming for stuff like processing orders on eCommerce websites. Their work is mostly seen behind the scences of what a website visually displays but in some cases JavaScript Programmers undertake task which involved the frontend side of a website not the whole layout of it but a partial side of it. Such as moving images or banners that may rotate on the top portions of websites or side ads in the form of videos.

Still, programmers which undertake such tasks does not make them a front end websigner.

So How Do You Classify Someone To A Front End Web Designer

As far as our experience and skills have taught us during our time as web design developers. We would define someone to be a "Front End Web Designer" as the following.

Any individual with a high level of experience of at least 3 years which understands the concepts of website layout designing, and knows how to effectively code Xhtml, Cascading Style Sheets along with Meta Tagging for individual websites.

In addition to this, a front end web designer usually has a strong understand and knowledge of browser compatibility issues because he or she will need to know how their personal works will behave on other browser versions.

So there it is folks. For those who wanted some clarification as to what a front end web designer does or if you considered yourself to be one. We hope that the ladder gave you a more thorough understanding of what it really means to be a so called, " Front end Web Designer".

We will still admit it, we only know about what it means to be web designers :) but experience along with trial and errors have taught us a few things here in there in the medium of web site developing. In case that you are a pretty out standing one then more power to you. We commend you.

Incase you have something to add or comment us on. Please feel free to do so.

A Web Designer's Perpective

After organizing our blog a little bit more today. It dawned on us to write on the topic of how most web designers think when it comes down to starting a web site from scratch. We've read books here and there on this subject but since we would like for you to be able to relate with us. The idea is to write from our personal experiences here as to how we undertake a new project before its initial development.

For one thing. Every time that we are going to start a new project and after we've talk to the prospect client. We always begin with a handy pencil and sketch pad in order to create a simple drawing of it in order to capture a visual and scope of the website that's going to be develop.

Business of Web Design Part 2

For those of you that have been following us. You probably noticed that we touched on a few important factors to consider if you plan on getting into the business of web design.

It's actually an awesome field to get into but like we said. You have to have a passion for it and enjoy being behind a computer terminal or a laptop otherwise you wont last and all your hard work would have gone to waste.

So we decided to continue writing on this topic for at least the rest of this month and see what reactions we get. So let's get back into the subject. As with any type of business that you want to be successful at.

Having a partner and a plan of execution will most likely bring better results then not having one or going solo. It is for this same reason that having a great partner along with a strategic plan that web design businesses are success full.

Here at I Design Station our team is composed of 3. Our graphic designer Carlos Gonzalez along with our web design genius Mauricio Valle

Together we bring style, quality, and affordability. Please leave a comment here or drops us a line at: or at

Business of Web Design

A Closer Look Into The Business of Web Design
Getting into the business of web design is not something for everyone. There are certain qualities or skills that a person needs to have before seriously getting into this field.

Hi again everyone this is the Administrator and I'm glad to be back with some new and fresh content. Today's topic that I will be touching up on will be on the aspect of getting into the business of web design.

After our 3 years of working on the inter net and growing in our knowledge as well as our skills through alot of trials and errors we have come to the conclusion that the business of web design is not just another 9 to 5 job but a field which continues to evolve onto a much smoother experience for users and designers alike.

It is because of this that for the most part creative, and artistically incline people are most likely to be successful at. We've have put a few suggestive points that we feel you would need to have or work at if you're considering getting into the business of web design.

They are in no particular order:

* Having A Genuine Passion For It

* Having A Creative Mind ( Artistically Inclined )

* Getting Familiar with: Html, Xhtml, CSS, PHP

* Having Experience or Being Knowledgeable In Business

* A Curiosity For Learning How Websites Work

Word of Mouth Leads
If were you were wondering if you could ever generate alot of leads by the so called,
Word of mouth method
Let us share some cool facts and tips regarding this.

We believe that it can be done but it's a pretty rare thing to hear about any web designer or freelancer that can be very successful through only this method.

Unless the lead happens to be a pretty known company or a stable business. There is a chance but as they say,
That's one in a million
, but hey anything is possible right?

We don't want you to think that we are bashing on anyone out there because we also use the word of mouth method ourselves, let's just say that it's another means of cheaper marketing or promotional campaign.

What ever term you want to call it if it works for you. Why not right?

So, we believe that generating business leads through these means will take time though and you will have to willing to network with a variety of people and if you are like us that we love to talk and meet new faces.

Which from our experience can be very rewarding because you can get to know the real person and understand them more from where they are coming from. And if this is the case and you keep an open mind.

You will not only get to know a prospect client but will also build a trust between the individual and yourself. And before you know it you will have possible clients calling you to make them their websites.

Fresh Right Out of The Net

Hi so how's body doing today? It's nearly 3am and I'm still up what a way to start the day right? Yes it's me, I Design's Station Administrator, you can call me, " Ed " if you like.

So here is the thing, I promised that new content would be posted right? Well, its been around 4 1/2 hours that I started web surfing until I came upon some really cool web sites that totally inspired me.

One of them is called, Colly and I think this baby was the one that really did it for me. You'll see what I'm talking about. Take a look at it. Towards the middle of it there's a video interview of the founder of the site.

One of the best interviews from a designer that I have seen so far. Aside from that there are new websites that have been linked under our links section. Try viewing
the last 4 bottom links. Enjoy! And please leave us your comments. Thanks! - Ed -

Site Submission and Page Ranking Part 1

Hey how is everyone this morning? Today I want to write about site submitting from my own personal experience to researched information that I have done on various web design companies to online product sellers.

First of all after experimenting with a couple of sites of mine. I have noticed that the importance of ranking high in a search engine especially one such as yahoo will take alot more than just a simple submission through their sumbit your site link.

Let's also consider the fact that if you want your website to be on the top 10 - 20 ranking you will definitely need to open your wallet and be willing to spend $100s - $1000s on a monthly to yearly basis in order to keep your site ranking high along with considering a strategy to out do your competition.

Let us stop here and not be naive and think about the fact that it will also take a well grounded and highly trained group of individuals to perform these results by using their programming and online marketing skills.

Here are other key factors that also need to be considered as part of any website submission. They are:

Meta Tags

Keywords, Site Description

Your Website's Title Headings

A Search Engine's Index Methods

And this is just to name of few. So to conclude this brief explanation of website submission. We can see that there is a back end process that undergoes when we talk about submitting a website.

Got any comments or want to share your thoughts please do. Always eager to hear what others have to say. Want to read more... to go..
Why Is It Important To Submit Your Website..

End of - Site Submission and Page Ranking Part 1

Site Submission Cheap Or Chic

We have posted content on meta tagging and the how to's. We now wanna focus on another subject which is the cost of it. In other words how much does on an average is being spent for submitting a completely functional site to search engines.

Hello and welcome back to another chapter at I Design's Stations blogspot.

Marching - Searching For Information
Yeah I know, I know. It's been really heck tick lately with a site that I have updating lately and so keeping up with this can be a real good challenge. Anyhow! Something to note and worthy of checking out is the fact that IDesign Station seems to be poping out in the listings in google as well as in

On another note, here at IDesign Station's Blog we want to keep abroad the new information that is going round and about in the web development applications.

So I apologize to our daily audience here for the past days where there were no posted information. As far as content is concerned I am striving to bring the web's most interesting news in web development. Below are a couple of links that I composed to some of the top web designers out there that every web or graphic designer should know about. Soak up the info and get inspired as I did. Thanks!
Web Designers You Should Know

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