Do You Need A Domain For Your Web Business

Having a domain name registered for you business is an important step to take when you're deciding to make yourself known online. So, why is this so important? Well, what happens is this, if you have not yet registered your business domain online, there will be a 90% chance that it might have already been taken by some other party.

Now, this does not mean that you won't be able to register a name of your choice. It is just that the likely hood of finding it as you wanted it may not necessarily happen. So,therefore this is why it is a good idea to purchase it as soon as you possibly can through a domain registrar such as:(Godaddy, or a known registrar service)

Some business minded individuals are aware of how fast domains names can be register that's why they are the first to grab them ( register them ), while others that are not so educated in these areas and therefore will have a hard time finding the domain just as they wanted it.

Don't let this happen to you. We can help you with this process by saving you time as we do the research of your business name and once we have found it letting you know and purchasing it for you.

Importance of Your Domain
There are a number of good reasons for having a domain name:

  • If you ever change your web host, your domain name goes with you. Your regular visitors or customers who knew your site name as (for example) would not have to be informed about a change of URL. They would simply type your domain name and they'd be brought to your new site.
  • If you are a business, a domain name gives you credibility. Few people would be willing to do business with a company with a dubious URL like:
  • If you get a domain name that describes your company's business or name, people can remember the name easily and can return to your site without having to consult their documents. In fact, if you get a good name that describes your product or service, you might even get people who were trying their luck by typing "" in their browse
  • If you want good sponsors (advertisers) for your website, a domain name is usually helpful. It tends to give your website an aura of respectibility.

How We Get You Started

My business name is registered as a domain name already. If this is the case the process of starting your web site will even be a faster one. All we will have to do is to transfer your domain name to our hosting service in order to have the correct ( IP ) address with in our hosting servers

What happens if I don't have my domain name registered yet?
When a prospect client let's us know that they don't have their domain registered.

We will also assist them by doing the work for them meaning, ( we will search for the name ) if we find it as they have desired it. We will purchase it and set it up with our hosting service in order to have it parked with us so that no other party is no longer able to purchase it.

We also recommend you to keep your domain name as short as possible. Why? Hmm, well let's put it to you this way. Do you like to type long names of a site on the google search box, we don't think so. And if you know well I guess you are probably from another planet because that's not a usual.

It's pretty rare that anybody likes to type long domain names. It simply does not look good for business and you will get your audience tired of typing it over and over again. So try to keep it as short as possible and be creative if incase that you do not find that "cool domain name or your business name" as you might of wished.

Incase you feel that you need some help with this, we encourage you to give us a call so that we can help you with some solutions for your domain name. ( Business Site Name ).

Another aspect that we also like to help you with is the fact of taking into consideration of your official domain name, what we mean by this is the fact of finding a name that starts towards the beginning of the alphabet. Huh? Why? What do you mean by the beginning of the alphabet?

Well, what happens is this. Since, websites are indexed in an alphabetical order through the search engines. Names like, google, apple, boxes are most likely to appear first in your search, since their names start towards the beginning of the alphabet in a chronological order and search engines have web crawlers that index and search website names in that order. So, it is more obvious that sites that begin with Apple or the latter will show up first.
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